Diploma project : solenoid and air pump motor 6V on esp8266/feather crickit

Hi everybody,

(sorry for my english first..)

I am new with Arduino (I've done few little projects but nothing that big already) and I need some help to control motors with a ESP8266 plug in a Feather Crickit.

For a diploma project I want to control 4 solenoid (which make sound on ceramic) and 2 air pump motors (which play flute), and I'll control them on Chataigne.

air pump motors

I try first to control the motors with simple codes on IDE but all examples I found are not for ESP8266 and I can't found solution to make them for it... and I feel lonely.

Do you have an idea of simple codes ? for 4 solenoid and an other one for 2 air pump motors ?
Or just an adress on internet to find codes like that ? I tried Github but I think I don't know how to use it..

I'll be so gratefull for some help!
Have a nice journey.
