Disable a linear actuator even if it is powered

Im looking for a way to disable a linear actuator with arduino even if it powerd. The arduino is powering the relay and the relay is powering the linear actuator. But im wondering if it is possible to disable the linear actuator even if it is powered. Someone can drill in to the cabinate and activate the relay with a 12v powersupply, bypassing the arduino lock and opening the door. But if anyone has any suggestions to how I can avoid this. My best bet so far would be to put the relay, arduino and the linear actuator in a more secure box within the cabinate, but this can also be drilled into?

Maybe I can activate it with some blinking ir lights or something, activated by the arduino lock, morse signal

It is nearly impossible to defeat a really determined thief, who has the opportunity, time and equipment to drill or cut into enclosures.


I would suggest disabling the power supply which would be in another not obvious location.

As long as you are in the imagination stage, consider these possible solutions.

1, Harden the installation by using metal conduit or even black iron pipe for the wiring. Nearly impossible to drill into except with a brad point bit.

2, Obscure the wiring by using many pairs of identical wires with only one pair powering the relay. All other wires connected to the relay terminals, but the far end does not actually connect to anything.

  1. Use #2, but the wires to the relay are tiny and are routed far away from the many fake wires.

I hope not. Operated by an Arduino is okej.

Use an electric fence like those being used for cattle. Connect it from behind to the metal box housing the relay & Co.

i didnt get this one. Does it exist any sheets that when punctured would set off an alarm or something? so if they drill into the cabinet they would have to set off the alarm first and locking the linear actuator in possition so that they would not be able to activate it by adding 12v to the terminals?

They could just drill a much bigger hole but the point of the cabinat is that its supposed to not be able to cut it open and repatch it without visible trails of the cutting.

Not likely. Such protection is surely custom made.
You better contact a security company for Your protection, or hire a more safe place for Your private Fort Knox.

Can I cover some electronic parts with liquid hardening silicone rubber, non conductive, some sort?

such as this? Making a silicone sphere and filling it with slime. #slime #silicone #stressball #diycraft - YouTube

or some waterproof epoxy? I guess the solonoid is not to happy with beeing coverd, mby if it is high thermal absorbtion in the silicone if it is mixed with some metal, but then it is conductive again?

Before you become too paranoid, get the thing to work. As you described it, it CANNOT possibly work. If it is working, then please add a schematic to the thread so all can see how you have it connected.

You have to specify what is not working? the silicone or epoxy? I was just trying to find a method to cover the electronic parts so that it would be harder to drill innto the case and activate the linear actuator with a powersupply, bypassing the arduino lock. If I cover all of the parts in silicone innside a box, they would have to drill innto the casing, then they would have to drill innto another casing with the casing, and within the other casing you will find and arduino activating a relay powering a linear actuator, but most of it will be coverd in a unique blend of silicone rubber, so it will be nearly impossible to drill into the linear activator, power it, open the door, then clean up the mess and lock the door again so I wont be able to know if someone has been inside the casing, because they wont be able to replicate the complicated structure of the silicone blend, different colours etc. Also it will be hard to drill into the case and find the correct wire to open the door in the first place.

so question is. What can i cover some of the wires with to hide them with out shorting the connections and blocking the thermal on the relay? epoxy, liquid silicone, slime?

Also. It would be nice with a lock, linear actuator, that would be able to disable itself and only activate itself again when the arduino lock is activated by the correc password. so even if you apply power to the lock it wont work unless the arduino has activated it. For example if the arduino gets the correct password code from the logic outside the cabinet, it will send datasignals, morse code, to the lock. Then the lock will activate itself, and send back data to arduino, sending data to the relay and the relay can now power the lock/linear actuator. But i guess the linear actuator would have to use electrical ower to activate itself when it gets the signal from the arduino.

You have no idea what your talking about. These ppl are sick

Develop a closed circuit current monitor for the hardware. If a human tries to tamper with the circuit, trigger an intrusion alarm.

instead of trigger alarm, can I disable the linear actuator or similar mechanism somehow? So that it doesnt work untill password is entered correctly, even if powerd? If I wanted an alarm I could just place a PIR sensor outside the cabinet? How does such cloesed-circuit-current work and how do I monitor it?

People can't even protect ATMs from being broken into and you are trying to protect something of lesser value?

Im not trying to prevent someone from breaking in to anything. Im trying to prevent someone to break in without me knowing it.

Im making a lock for a cabinet and im trying to prevent someone from drilling into the cabinet and activate the lock/linear actuator/stepper motor with a 12v powersupply directly to the motor, bypassing the arduino lock, nfc and password. I was thinking about adding a type of dipswitches to replace the on/off killswitch for the motor, but im looking for something without physicall dipswitches, but where the arduino has stored dipswtch order and load it when the right code from nfc/password is entered, only then you can power the motor with 12v from the relay.
Does such dipswitch exist, with presets stored on an ssd, for example and only one combination on many switches will allow the motor to function with power.

also, i would like it to be so that they cannot drill into the motor to bypass the dipswitches and power the motor directly, the power should have to go through the dipswitches?

Some sort of morse signals with electrical impulses to activate a physicall lock, allowing the linear actuator to spin?

There is a major flaw with your circuit.
Just turn all the switches on, and away it goes.

—You need to bring each switch back individually to the processor to be read as ON or OFF.

Same for the keypad matrix.

The 9V battery shown will run that circuit for about 10 minutes at best.

If I had physical access to your door, I would drill out hinges and/or lock mechanism or use an axe / chainsaw / angle grinder to gain access.

Physical access basically means that any security measures can be circumvented; the only thing that you can do is delay the inevitable.

good luck putting it all back together without leaving any trace that you have been inside the cabinet.

that was not the point. I was asking about the dipswitch and the digitally activated physicall lock. With digital morse signals... But yes, if im going to have a keypad and a dipswitch im probably going to need more pins.can I place each pin on the dipswitch and each number on the keypad on a ic2 pin, all connected to the same pin?

Does it exist any dipswitch without physical switch, the switches are activated on or off my digitall signal from arduino?

And what about physcal lock activated by digital morsesignal. Two long one short followed by one long and the first key is pushed up etc...