I am making a device that displays messages on the screen and needs to be able to do so in English and French, potentially other languages as well. I am working on an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi with an ST7789 2" TFT display. I have done some research on this and I found a variant of the Adafruit GFX library that has Unicode support, however that library gave me issues with the R4. Does anyone know of any other way I can display different languages? In my research I haven't found an easy way to do it yet, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Forgive my ignorance, but how many characters in French are not the same as in English? Two? Three?
The standard method for solving this is to replace little-used characters in the ASCII table with your three characters, and simply do the substitution in the text.
And then you won't need UTF support in the library
The UTF encoding is relatively young. Before this, each language used its own national encoding table (and many languages used several different ones) inside the second half of the ASCII table. To work with it you do not need UTF, the main thing is to have a screen font with the outline of national symbols