I've stumbled upon a problem that i just cant figure out the cause of.
This little code snippet from a test program pretty much sums up what I'm having a hard time figuring out:
long b = 255000;
long a = 1000*255; // 1000 * 255 = 255000 //
The serial output of 'b' is: 255000
while the serial output for 'a' is: -7144
Could anyone please explain to me why this happens?
I first stumbled upon this when i tried to use a map function. When it always returned '0' i started looking into it and the above is where i couldn't get any further on my own.
Tried the map function now again, that still returns 0 tho.
yOut = map(yOut, 0L, 1023L, 0L, 255L);
When i print out the value of 'yOut before the map it prints the value '1000', when i print it out after the map function it shows '0'.
If i replace 'yOut in the map function with the integer '1000' the map function returns '250'.
The variable yOut is a long int btw.