Hi there,
I use a Due, a 9 Axis Motion Shield and two double H - Bridges for two DC Motors. The SW mainly is a PID - Controller that tries to keep the board with one Axel and two wheels under my body by reading the position out of the 9 Axis Shield.
As long as I have my mac book air connected to the programming port of the due, everything works fine, but after disconnecting the mac, the Software seems to be a different version, the one, that i used to get the step function of the system.
While uploading the software, there is no error message in the IDE 2.2.1.
I have no Serial.begin() in my setup(). So the code should be similar in both cases. It doesn't make a difference if i close the IDE before disconnecting or not. I have no idea how to figure out.
Probably someone knows?