I recently ordered an Led matrix 32x16 RGB for my Arduino Uno. Its pretty similar to the ones that adafruit sells. Since im a software engineer but pretty bad in electrical stuff, my question is:
Is the power that my Arduino Uno provides enough to power the 5V 2A Led matrix over USB? If not, can i still use it? What would happen?
In case i need an external power supply, can you recommend me one, and do i have to plug the external power supply into the arduino or directly into the 5V input of the led matrix?
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Do not even consider powering the LEDs from the 5V pin of the Uno. Use an external power supply capable of providing the current to turn on all of the LEDs at once just in case it happens.
Connect the GND pin of the external supply to the GND pin of the Uno to provide a common point of reference for the logic signals
How much current does the matrix require when all of the LEDs are on ? With that figure in mind you should be looking to get a power supply capable of comfortably providing that current by which I mean that it should not be working at maximum current
You can power the Uno with 5V using one of its 5V pins and that power can come from the same external supply, but be aware that some Arduino boards can be damaged if external and USB power is connected at the same time
For powering properly, you would be best to buy a solid regulated 5V, 1.5A or greater 'tabletop' or 'wall wart'. Power your LED matrix directly, and power your Arduino directly INTO the 5V pin on the Arduino from the same supply.
The principle that the matrix uses is something like dynamic indication so it lits two rows of 32 leds in the time only. Typical led current is 30-60mA.
Thus if you fill all matrix with white with full brightness it will consume
2*32 leds * 3colors * 0.06A = 11.5 A
Therefore this matrix can't powered from Uno or from USB, you will need the external power supply.
From my experience, if you do not give full brightness, usually a 4-6A power supply is enough
thank you for the replies,
I will buy an external power supply then.
do you think this one will work out, to power both the leds and the arduino?
This supply has 24/12v input voltage - is it what you need? Do you plan to powering your schematic from car battery? (24/12v is voltage, usually used in car electric systems)
Nevermind, I didnt think about that.
i will buy this one then and just cut a cable to get my input directly from the socket.
since Im living in germany, my socket provides 230 V.
yes this will fit
Advice about appropriate supply will await links to the original LED product.
The LED's:
This is the power supply i just ordered:
From your link:
Drive type
1/8 scan driving
This means that, because of multiplexing, 1 in every 8 LEDs will be on at the same instant in time, so 32x16/8 = 64 RGB LEDs. If each RGB LED consumes 60mA, this will be less than 4A.
I think @b707 may have made an error in the calculation in post #4.
That depends on whether the 60 mA is per RGB LED(60 mA per color), or per triplet, i.e. 20 mA each color. This is not evident in the device postings.
You are correct, this important piece of data is missing from the specifications, which is not unusual on Amazon/eBay/AliExpress etc.
But I would be very surprised if such an inexpensive panel would be capable of handling a high power dissipation. I expect each RGB LED will be rated for maximum 20mA red + 20mA green + 20mA blue.
Agreed - but not guaranteed.
There's also the small matter of exactly how the item is wired, given both power and other wires, but I'd bet that's detailed...somewhere. Just not something I'm interested in digging for.
I didnt spend much money on my devices since its my first project and Im a beginner. In case I destroy my panel, thats not a big deal. I will just give it a try, and i think with 10A on the Power supply I will be totally fine. Thank you for all those answers.
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