Does the Arduino company use the forum to provide support?

Are you saying that the Arduino company provides product support in the forum ?


I was wondering the same thing. When I see “official”, I presume it is endorsed by the company behind the support.

Yes. Haven't you noticed the Arduino team members posting on the forum?

These categories can also be used as a source of user feedback for a specific product to identify areas where development and documentation work is needed.

Apart from @alranel and yourself, no


There ate a few more that I at occasion encounter. @Dozie is the one that I remember; others might hang around in categories that I usually don't visit

That is why I don't see them much either

Exceptionally rare events.
Also when invoked in some form "@etc"
Seems to happen in small bursts about once a year.

Certainly not as common as anyone would hope.
Or categories that would make more sense.

Did you check the search I linked? There are multiple posts today in the #hardware category alone, and that even on a day that is a national holiday in Italy.

I see them all the time especially in trouble shooting, and anything about Version 2 of the IDE.

Possibly for the time being with the general newness of 2.x
How many were invoked in the background via SLACK or similar ?

Maybe its that time of the year ?

Many of us always complained about the lack of direct involvement !

Maybe there has been a change we are not aware of ?

Problematic boards or software do often attract extra attention.
I can confirm that from my days in the back room with the online editor

Either way this subject can be traced all the way back to SMF.

I think a lot of frustrated user postings searching for "Arduino Team" member support could be avoided if Arduino had more "If this happens..." information in their examples.

For example, the MKR 1010 using the online editor. The create agent keeps stopping and has to be started. Is that supposed to happen? Is it a bug? Is it bumping into the Serial Monitor, but the example uses the serial monitor. Following the IOT example, would have been nice to have a "If this happens..." section.

The IOT example given works perfectly in video and example page, no problems. But users such as myself get this "...cannot connect to 8883 port" thing. That sounds like something a fair number of users would experience since I was following the example to the letter. Again "If this happens" would be nice.

Nope, gotta go to the forum and wait for answers to situations that should have already be identified in product testing and solutions mentioned in the "If this happens" section.

There I feel better now.

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Sometimes it is good to let off steam.

Yes there could be a better approach to some common issues.
Hopefully some of the changes taking place (long overdue) will start to address some of the minor quirks such as you noticed.

However you may have to wander the forum to find the answers as I suspect they will be hidden in other places and require a little extra work.

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