Dropping 12V to 5V using voltage regulator(s)

You may use several resistors in parallel to get more power dissipation. It won't be nice but it is usable to get it working ASAP.

i see - so, to calculate Ohm's Law - i'd then divide the effective current (for the wattage) by the number of resistors in parallel ? (not forgetting that resistors in parallel also drop the total resistance)

Collect wall worts. Any electronic equipment being thrown away keep the wall wort.

yep, that's what i've been doing - 5V, 9V but just the one 12V.
and they are all under 1000mA! (i have 500mA, 600mA and 900mA !!)

i should repurpose an old USB cable - i have a phone charger (1000mA) that has a USB socket.

Yep, that's what i've been doing - 5V, 9V but just the one 12V.
and they are all under 1000mA! (i have 500mA, 600mA and 900mA !!)

I should re purpose an old USB cable - I have a phone charger (1000mA) that has a USB socket.

OK, good!

Well, one of the delights of electronics as a hobby is finding new uses for old things, or getting things to work in ways the manufacturer never intended.

i should repurpose an old USB cable - i have a phone charger (1000mA) that has a USB socket.

Which is a bit old. Most are now rated at 2.1 A (to match the iPad).

Going price should not exceed $5. Purchased locally (as eBay stuff is not trustworthy).

I have a 52l plastic storage bin full of power supplies (but not all are in that bin and not all are lightweight switchmode). Trouble is, getting to it in the stack ... :astonished:

Which is a bit old. Most are now rated at 2.1 A (to match the iPad).

i'm nowhere in the circle of iProducts - the phone charger is actually new, for a chinese brand and that is 1A only.

it's the USB cable that is old, still with a type A plug at the other end.

I have a 52l plastic storage bin full of power supplies (but not all are in that bin and not all are lightweight switchmode). Trouble is, getting to it in the stack ... :astonished:

i haven't quite reached those hoarding levels yet :slight_smile:
but i do find the older adaptors that i've "stocked" are quite useless when it comes to the crunch, including a cheapo one supposedly rated at 1000mA but doesn't seem to be able to provide it. (i have an INA219 module otw to start getting proper numbers on my "inventory")