We have developed an alpha version of a small preemptive full open source rtos for Arduino, based on open source software, but with a new very simple syntax.
We hope it will be available for download next week.
It has been adapted to fit even in a mega168 (with some limitations), and we are working to have it running on the 328, the 644 and the new 1284. In our (very) initial tests, it's compatible with most standard Arduino code, so it could be added as a library to any application, just taking into account the following:
- The loop() is now a task, so it's speed may be different.
- The timer 1 is used by the kernel (so no pwm in pins 9 and 10).
- The delayMicroseconds() is allowed, but not welcome in DuinOS based sketches.
Here is a small example of use (it's running on a 168), with two LEDs blinking, where the red LED is "modulated" by two separated tasks:
#include <DuinOS.h>
DuinOS TwoLEDsBlinkingBlinks two LEDs with different freqs.
The circuit: ##Pins:
- LED connected from digital pin 14 to Vcc.
- LED connected from digital pin 15 to Vcc.
- Note: On most Comm.ProgUSB boards, there are already two LEDs on the board
connected to pins 14 and 15, so you don't need any extra components for this example.Created 2009.10.26 (yyyy.mm.dd)
by Julián da Silva GilligBased on the original Blink code by David Cuartielles
int ledPinRed = 14;
int ledPinGreen = 15;
boolean redLED_isOn = false;taskLoop(redLED)
redLED_isOn = false;
redLED_isOn = true;
static unsigned char counter = 0;digitalWrite(ledPinGreen, LOW); // set the LED on
digitalWrite(ledPinGreen, HIGH); // set the LED off
delay(200);if (counter >= 29)
suspend(); //After a while, the tasks suspends itself (forever)
}// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
void setup()
// Initialize the digital pins as outputs:
pinMode(ledPinRed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPinGreen, OUTPUT);createTaskLoop(redLED, LOW_PRIORITY);
createTaskLoop(greenLED, NORMAL_PRIORITY);//A task can be suspended by it's name
}// This is the main loop() method, wich runs over and over again,
// as long as the Arduino has power. Is a LOW_PRIORITY loopTask:void loop()
if (redLED_isOn)
digitalWrite(ledPinRed, HIGH); // set the LED off
delay(25); // The OS can be tested reducing these delays, and seeing how both LEDs work together...
digitalWrite(ledPinRed, LOW); // set the LED on
digitalWrite(ledPinRed, HIGH); // LED is off
//If nextTask is not called, the application will not hang, because the OS is preemptive. BUT, the current task
//will consume a lot of computational resources (due to it's lack of a delay() in this branch), the application will
//turn slower, and the other tasks may be affected by this, loossing precision in their timing:
We are new to the Arduino community, so any comments are welcome!