Greetings to everyone onboard!
I'm struggling with a strange behavior related with EEPROM library. The idea is to store the maximum value of TDS measured by the module and compare it when the next time the device is powered on. For this purpose I'm using a library MinMax to record the highest value recorded by the TDS module.
However the issue is that the value I'm reading off the EEPROM returns to zero each time the unit is reset (using the onboard button on Arduino), or when power-cycled. I tried to constrain the EEPROM commit command by only allowing a non-zero value to be written to the memory, however the behaviour remains the same.
if (maxTDS > 0)
There is however a more perplexing issue. Even if I comment out the section that actually writes the variable data to the EEPROM, the command still outputs the live maxTDS variable value as if it's being written by the EEPROM.write command, despite the fact it was commented out. The eepromMaxTDS is the same as maxTDS, even if nothing is written to the eeprom. Please see below:
if (maxTDS > 0) {
//EEPROM.write(1, maxTDS);
eepromMaxTDS =;
I'm using the following hardware:
Arduino Nano ESP32 S3
Gravity TDS module
Here's the complete code:
#include "MINMAX.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define VREF 1.09 // analog reference voltage(Volt) of the ADC
#define SCOUNT 30 // sum of sample point
int analogBuffer[SCOUNT]; // store the analog value in the array, read from ADC
int analogBufferTemp[SCOUNT];
int analogBufferIndex = 0, copyIndex = 0;
float averageVoltage = 0, tdsValue = 0, temperature = 29;
float tdsCompensation = 1.065934065934066; // Divide by this value
uint32_t start, stop;
int minTDS, maxTDS = 0;
int eepromMaxTDS = 0;
#define TdsSensorPin A1 // Gravity TDS module
void setup() {
pinMode(TdsSensorPin, INPUT);
if (!EEPROM.begin(512)) {
Serial.println("EEPROM failed to initialise");
while (true)
} else {
Serial.println("EEPROM initialised");
void loop() {
void calcTDS() {
static unsigned long analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
if (millis() - analogSampleTimepoint > 40U) //every 40 milliseconds,read the analog value from the ADC
analogSampleTimepoint = millis();
analogBuffer[analogBufferIndex] = analogRead(TdsSensorPin); //read the analog value and store into the buffer
if (analogBufferIndex == SCOUNT)
analogBufferIndex = 0;
static unsigned long printTimepoint = millis();
if (millis() - printTimepoint > 800U) {
printTimepoint = millis();
for (copyIndex = 0; copyIndex < SCOUNT; copyIndex++)
analogBufferTemp[copyIndex] = analogBuffer[copyIndex];
averageVoltage = getMedianNum(analogBufferTemp, SCOUNT) * (float)VREF / 1024.0; // read the analog value more stable by the median filtering algorithm, and convert to voltage value
float compensationCoefficient = 1.0 + 0.02 * (temperature - 25.0); //temperature compensation formula: fFinalResult(25^C) = fFinalResult(current)/(1.0+0.02*(fTP-25.0));
float compensationVolatge = averageVoltage / compensationCoefficient; //temperature compensation
tdsValue = ((133.42 * compensationVolatge * compensationVolatge * compensationVolatge - 255.86 * compensationVolatge * compensationVolatge + 857.39 * compensationVolatge) * 0.5) / tdsCompensation; //convert voltage value to tds value
void minMaxTDS() {
int r = tdsValue;
if (mm.add(r) != MINMAX_NO_CHANGE) // changed minimum or maximum or reset
maxTDS = mm.maximum();
// Write non-zero Max TDS value to EEPROM and update eepromMaxTDS variable
if (maxTDS > 0) {
EEPROM.write(1, maxTDS);
eepromMaxTDS =;
int getMedianNum(int bArray[], int iFilterLen) {
int bTab[iFilterLen];
for (byte i = 0; i < iFilterLen; i++)
bTab[i] = bArray[i];
int i, j, bTemp;
for (j = 0; j < iFilterLen - 1; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < iFilterLen - j - 1; i++) {
if (bTab[i] > bTab[i + 1]) {
bTemp = bTab[i];
bTab[i] = bTab[i + 1];
bTab[i + 1] = bTemp;
if ((iFilterLen & 1) > 0)
bTemp = bTab[(iFilterLen - 1) / 2];
bTemp = (bTab[iFilterLen / 2] + bTab[iFilterLen / 2 - 1]) / 2;
return bTemp;
Of course I'm missing out some crucial aspect here for which I request your cooperation.
Thanks in advance!