Elegoo Lesson 12 - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Hi All,

Maybe I have been binge building these lessons but this one is driving me crazy.

I load the code into the arduino ide and I get the following error message

"invalid sketch name MY_DHT11_EXAMPLE.ino" for some reason this is an invalid file name, I have tried to rename the file but the IDE won't allow me to save it.

Has anyone else had this issue.


This is what I am referring to, I have even changed the file name outside of the IDE and I still get the same error

In the screen image, you show 'my_DHT11(space).ino'

monospace  font - shows the space:
my_DHT11 .ino

System font - "kerning" hides the space:
my_DHT11 .ino

Try naming it x.ino

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