Enable ipv6 only on the modem


Does anyone know if it is possible to use the enabled IPv6 on the GSM modem and let it do the DNS/TCP/HTTP job the Arduino CPU cannot do over ipv6? Anyone interested on share theirs tests results and see mine?

After all, the libraries GSMHttpUtils, GSMServer and GSMClient do offload the transport (TCP/HTTP) side of the communications with the internet. So, why couldn't we offload the internet layer too without the CPU even knowing what and ipv6 is? Actually, the simplistic communication CPU vs Modem being AT based commands and the real capabilities of the modem suggest that full network offload was the intended purpose of such an independent and capable modem.

I run the AT command AT+UDCONF=66,1 on a simple ChatTheModem sketch, but I cannot make it show the contexts or the IPv6 address given. Or any ipv4 context. I could only read the DNS servers received and do some dns translations AT+UDNSRN=0,"www.google.com".

10:20:25.369 -> Type your AT command now: 
10:21:08.500 -> LOGLVL 4: Modem received "AT+UDNSRN=0,"www.google.es"" command, returned "1" with message "+UDNSRN: """

I know the arduino board itself does not and will not support ipv6, but since the modem does it out of the box, why not enable it and use it as a server with internet connection (which in the end, is what it really is) available to the CPU through a serial port.

I confirmed on my mobile phone the mobile carrier provides dual stack in my area: one private ipv4 with CG-NAT, and a public ipv6 prefix.

I will try the AT+UPSD command since AT+CGPADDR and AT+CGDCONT returned nothing. Perhaps because of the missing question mark at the end. :slight_smile: I will repeat the whole process just in case and report the reponse strings and return values of each AT command.


PS: I can provide the full list of AT commands downloaded from ublox site if required. I do not upload it because of its size and because I do not know if that is allowed.

I assume the communication between the modem and the antenna is in the hand of the mobile providers, then from their gateways out into the internet. What do you want to configure, I think you can't. Maybe I don't get the question ;=)


I want to use ipv6 even though neither mkrgsm library nor arduino kernel provide the functionality. The modem is capable of offloading the network layer. Even can run tcp and up to https on its own. So i wanted to use that without arduino being aware there is a network layer to be used.

I guess it means extending mkrgsm library. And i guess it would be compatible with mkr nb 1500 if the modem it uses supersedes the AT command set at the Sara modem from mkr gsm 1400. So it would be reusable.

My gsm carrier does provide ipv6 native connectivity, btw.