Error message because two libraries use same resources


I'm developing a small project where I use a RFID card Reader and a Buzzer, to achieve this I'm using the IRremote library and the tone() command.

But now, I getting the following error:

C:\Users-MEGAL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build0ef796757f433b8f8c6794d40fa3ded8.tmp/core\core.a(Tone.cpp.o): In function `__vector_7':

C:\Users-MegaLord-\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.6.10\cores\arduino/Tone.cpp:539: multiple definition of `__vector_7'

libraries\IRremote\IRremote.cpp.o:C:\Users-MegaLord-\Documents\Arduino\libraries\IRremote/IRremote.cpp:107: first defined here

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

exit status 1

For what I could gather by googleing, both the libraries are using the same timer, and to fix it I simply have to change the timer of one of them.

Sound easy enough, but... how to change the timer from a library?
Can any one give me a hand?

Or in alternative, does anyone know of any way to make a Buzzer make sound without using the tone() command?

thanks for any help.

Some buzzers have an internal oscillator, You can control them with any digital output and an appropriate driving circuit.

Alternatives : teckel12 / Arduino toneAC / wiki / Home — Bitbucket
For example toneAC2 uses Timer2.

I've seen libraries that use different timers for those things. I think you could get a tone out of timer2. You can't get as accurate a tone (in terms of frequency resolution), but it should be plenty to make a buzzer buzz. And there's also the option of a buzzer with that built in (those exist, and are quite common).

The buzzers that don't require tone() are called active buzzers(rather than passive). You only need to supply power and the internal circuitry produces the frequency. The downside to them is you can't control the pitch.

Thanks guys!

The toneAC Library fixed my problem.
The only only drawback is that the toneAC uses specific pins, but my project was flexible enough no handle that.

thanks again.