I uploaded the example Blink LED program that came with the IDE. I got the following message:
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyACM0": Permission denied
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1
Did I select the wrong board? Did i use the wrong serial port? (I am using a Muizei Arduino compatible by the way). Or perhaps the circuit is configured incorrectly?
Any hints?
Many thanks
If you are driving a *nix box, you have to change some security settings. Just search this forum for 'dialout' and one other I can't recall but will be in the same thread. It's a common error.
I think this is it https://forum.arduino.cc/t/opening-port-at-1200bps-permission-denied/1285652/4?u=sonofcy
Don't do the second tty for gil, that's just his example, just one for tty and one for dialout
Is your user a member of the dialout
group? You need that permission to use the connection.
Open a console and try:
usermod -a -G dialout YourUserName
Then log off and log back on so the setting takes.