ESP : Using GPIO2 to light external LED

Hello everyone,

I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't get an LED on GPIO2 to light on my ESP32. I measured 3.3v on my pin when pulled high. The wiring is simple resistor (I tried 220ohm and 330ohm), green LED, then to ground.

Any ideas? I don't have any other pins available so please do not tell me to use a different pin. Onboard LED is working.


If you are using the following 30-pin ESP32 Dev Module (Fig-1), then FPIO2 is connected with the onboard Blue LED. Without connecting anything with the GPIO2-pin, upload the following sketch and check that the onboard Blue LED is blinking.


#define BLED 2//onboard BlueLED

void setup()
  pinMode(BLED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  digitalWrite(BLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(BLED, LOW);

It is.

Here is my current code

I tried switching to GPIO4 which should be 100% clean to use and it still didn't work. I also switched to a white LED.

Pic @ Imgur: The magic of the Internet

const byte LED_GPIO = 4;

void setup() {

  pinMode(LED_GPIO, OUTPUT);


void loop() {  
  digitalWrite(LED_GPIO, HIGH);

That means that the onboard Blue LED is not blinking for your ESP32 Dev Board! In my case, it is blinking.

I have uploaded your sketch of post #3 for GPIO4; the LED has correctly turned ON.

Your code (and mine when changed to pin 2 causes the onboard LED to blink.

Why isn't my LED working? was polarity!

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