Esp32 c3 super mini - comments


Hi Everyone. I am thinking on buy this ESP32 C3 SUPER MINI Dev board and I would like to know if you have had the chance of working with it. Also:

-Does it really have WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities?
-Aproximate coverage range for WiFi and Bluetooth
-Is it possible to use ADC Channels along with WiFI ?

Thanks in advance for those who can help me

@junior_27 I have just bought a couple from Seeed Studio

The site has a lot of interesting development kits based around their tiny mcu boards with sensors, cameras, displays etc. for a very reasonable price.

From what I see the Seeed Studio boards work reasonably well. They differ from the larger development boards in the fact that they come with an external antenna whereas the regular boards the antenna is built in. Without the antenna the wifi signal seems very weak, I have not done much with the wifi yet but I am interested to see how the external antenna works out.

The ESP32-C3 SuperMini has a built-in aerial that looks like a (red) smd resistor, which seems to perform the same as the printed aerial traces on bigger boards.
Software USB (no USB<>Serial chip) needs a bit of getting used to, but works ok.
I think it's a great little board if you want the lower current draw of a single-core ESP32.
Only have used WiFi so far, so can't comment on BT (LE only) or A/D. But I don't see why it would be different to other ESP32 boards.


I moved your topic to a more appropriate forum category @junior_27.

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A post was split to a new topic: ESP32-C3 fails to connect to WiFi: "Reason 2 auth_expired"