ESP32 cam color recognition connection to Arduino code

Hello, I'm working on a machine that resolves a rubik cube via an ESP32, motors and an arduino uno(there are a few more components that I don't think are relevant to the topic). So the camera identifies the colors and the arduino moves the motors accordingly.

My question is how to connect the recognition of the color to the arduino code, I'm using this video for reference

Divide the image into 9 regions and look at the RGB color balance of each.

How are you recognizing the color?

I'm following the YouTube video provided at the end of my post.

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Sorry for the inconvenience, it is via python(with two libraries Numpy and OpenCV), after getting the local ip address of the camera with arduino code.

They also utilize a source code for color detection and tracking with an ESP32 CAM Module.

My question is how to connect the information gained in python back to Arduino code so the arduino uno can transmit appropriate orders to the motors.

The project is here:

I think I resumed it appropriately.

A Google search for "python arduino communication" produces many results including

Thank you

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