ESP32 coding and wiring Help

hello everyone, I have got an Freenove breakout board with a Freenove ESP32-WROOM Board. I want to connect an NEMA 17 Step motor 48mm - 12V / 24V - 1.7A, I want to connect it to an A4988 like on the diagram. I also want to connect an Lineaire Actuator 12Volt connect through an 13Amp 6V-30V DC Motor Driver. I also have 2 serparate relays that have their own power. I want to control everything from a ps3 controller I can connect the ps3 controller to the ESP32 but when I wire everything up and try some code nothing really happens im still learning a lot so any help would be appreciated.

It is difficult to figure out what you are asking. I suggest you start with a simplified design and see if it works or not and then add additional devices. For example, wire just one relay and post the code only for this relay if it doesn't work ...

Sorry I do not have parts that look like your wiring diagram. Can you post an annotated schematic showing how you plan on assembling this?