ESP32 connected to WIFI?

Hi. After struggling a lot in trying to connect my ESP32 to WIFI, I found a tutorial explaining a WIFI Manager code, code which I uploaded to my board, and I made some progress. However, I still have doubts on whether my ESP is connected to WIFI, or not. Once uploaded the code, I opened the serial monitor and it expressed this message:

!�1�}&1!�*wm:[1] AutoConnect
*wm:[2] ESP32 event handler enabled
*wm:[2] Connecting as wifi client...
*wm:[2] setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping
*wm:[1] Connecting to SAVED AP: bbox2-286a
*wm:[1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...
*wm:[2] [EVENT] WIFI_REASON: 201
*wm:[2] Connection result: WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL
*wm:[1] AutoConnect: FAILED
*wm:[2] Enabling AP
*wm:[1] StartAP with SSID: AutoConnectAP
*wm:[2] AP has anonymous access!
*wm:[1] AP IP address:
*wm:[1] Starting Web Portal
*wm:[2] HTTP server started
*wm:[2] Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients...
*wm:[2] NUM CLIENTS: 0
*wm:[2] NUM CLIENTS: 0
*wm:[2] NUM CLIENTS: 0

Does this message mean that my ESP 32 is connected to my WIFI network? I would appreciatte any suggestion. Thank you.

From the text output it sounds that your could not connect to the wifi so your "wifimanager" just created an Accesspoint. But without code that is just a guess.

ok. I think the same. So, if I post the code I uploaded on my board here, are you able to tell me if my board is connected or not ? The guy of the tutorial in You Tube succeeded in connecting his ESP 32 using the same Library code I used; WIFI MANAGER by Tzapu. However, I noticed he did the procedure in a laptop, instead of using a DESK PC, as it is my case, which is connected to my WIFI Network via EThernet. Does it make a difference? My board is an ESP WROOM 32. Thanks again.

Yes because currently I only can see the output of your serial monitor. But you can write there anything. As long you have a WLAN Network close enougth for your ESP32 with the right Networkkey and password you should be able to connect.

This says atleast that the connection failed.

And here it says that it created an Accesspoint with no passwort on the given IP.

This says that it starting an webserver, I guess the loginpage for the network.

And then it just waits for clients.

Thats atleast what the text says

Sure, but it is not the case. The modem is just 30 cmts ahead of my CPU and the ESP32 is connected to the USB terminal to the CPU, near the modem too. What I've recently done, following my self instinct, is to buy a WI FI Adapator and I've attached it to the CPU to establish a wireless connection between CPU and the modem, avoiding the ethernet wire, with the hope to find a solution. Despite this, I still cannot identify the Access Point of the ESP32, meaning that it is not connected to WIFI. Thanks you all the same.

Are you ever going to show us your actual code?

Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category as it is more suitable than the original

"modem" is a pretty outdated word and does not specify what kind of technology is used to establish the connection to the internet.

best thing would be if you post pictures of it all.
How does your "modem" look like post a picture perspective view and a picture of the

Does your computer have WiFi ?
Do you have a smartphone with WiFi?
For checking if your ESP32 has really created an accesspoint you could use a smartphone

If your "modem" has ethernet sockets and WiFi you should be able to send "pings" to the ESP32 once the ESP32 has connected to your WiFi

For connecting to your WiFi in the code the SSID and the password must match exactly the real SSID and password

As you are using a desktop PC that is connected by a ethernet-cable you could use your smartphone for setting up the WiFi-credentials.
If the ESP32 is unable to connect to your WiFi the code creates its own WiFi and you have to connect to that IP-adress with any kind of WiFi-cabable device
This IP-adress is shown in the serial monitor

it is this

*wm:[1] AP IP address:

This means you have to connect a device to the WiFi with SSID namend


and then start a browser on this device and type into the browser

Then the browser should show a simple website where you can setup the wifi-credentials

best regards Stefan

I appreattiate your suggestion. I was able to establish connection between the ESP and the Network . Thank you very much.

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