ESP32 external pull-up resistor


I am working on a personal project to obtain current and voltage readings form 4 batteries. Using Arduino IDE , I have developed a program to read current from two current sensors and voltage from three voltage sensors. The GPIO pins used are 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36. I have no issues reading from pins 32 and 33, but I am having trouble getting readings on pin 34. According to the ESP32 specifications, pins 34, 35, 36, and 39 require an external pull-up resistor. I have tested by applying 3.3V to pins 34, 35, and 36. What I don't understand is why only pin 34 is not getting a reading, while pins 35 and 36 show ADC readings of 4096 even without an external pull-up resistor.

For example, I am using the ACS712 current sensor to obtain current readings. Since the sensor output is in the range of 0-5V, a voltage divider (10k ohm & 20k ohm) is needed to convert the range from 0-5V to 0-3.3V. The output from the voltage divider is connected to pin D34. Is this connection correct?


The following is the code.

#include <WiFi.h>             //for esp-32

#define SERVER_PORT 8000    
const int V_Panel = 32;
const int V_batt = 33;
const int curr_panel = 34;
const int curr_load = 35;
const int Vcc = 36;
const int led = 4;
const char* ssid = "xxxx xxx";       
const char* password = "xxxxxxxx"; 

WiFiServer server(SERVER_PORT);   

unsigned int total; 
float numReadings = 50;
float current_IN = 0.00;
float current_LOAD = 0.00;
float ADCsupplyvoltage = 0.00;
float ADCVsolarpanel = 0.00;
float ADCVbattery = 0.00;
float ADCsolarcurrent = 0.00;
float ADCloadcurrent = 0.00;
float V_solarpanel = 0.00;
float V_battery = 0.00;    
float V_supply = 0.00;  
float V_cc = 0.00;   
float V_cc1 = 0.00;                                      
float Vout1 = 0.00;                                             
float Vout2 = 0.00;
float Vout3 = 0.00;                                             
float Vout4 = 0.00;
float Vout5 = 0.00;
float Vout6 = 0.00;
float Vout7 = 0.00;
float Vout8 = 0.00;
float R1 = 10000.0;
float R2 = 20000.0;
float R5 = 1000.0;
float R6 = 2000.0;
float offset1 = 0.00;
float offset2 = 0.00;
float offset3 = 0.00;
float offset4 = 0.00;
int i, x, Vpanel, Vbatt, ipanel, iload, solarcurrent;

void setup() 
     WiFi.begin(ssid, password); 
     while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)  
     { Serial.print("->");
     Serial.println("WiFi Successfully Connected");   
     Serial.print("NodeMCU IP address: "); 
     Serial.println("NodeMCU as a Server Role Started");
     { digitalWrite(led,HIGH);

        void loop(){
        WiFiClient client = server.available();           // listen for incoming clients
        if (client) {                                     // if you get a client,
        while (client.connected()) {                      // loop while the client's connected
        if (client.available()) {                         // if there's bytes to read from the client,
        uint8_t data;  
        switch(data) {

        case 'a':   {           
        total = 0; // reset counter
        //read and averaging 50 values from A0
        for (int x = 0; x < numReadings; x++) {           // read sensor 50 times
        total = total + (analogRead(V_Panel) + offset1);  // if use with voltage divider
        int ADCVsolarpanel = total / numReadings;            // get Vsolarpanel average value          
        Vout1 = ADCVsolarpanel*3.3/4096;
        Vout2 = Vout1*(R1+R2)/R2;
        V_solarpanel= Vout2;

        case 'b': {

        total = 0; // reset counter
        //read and averaging 50 values from A0
        for (int x = 0; x < numReadings; x++) {           // read sensor 50 times
        total = total + (analogRead(V_batt) + offset2);   // if use with voltage divider
        int ADCVbattery = total / numReadings;               // get Vbattery average value
        Vout3 = ADCVbattery*3.3/4096;
        Vout4 = Vout3*(R1+R2)/R2;
        V_battery= Vout4;

        case 'c':       {     

        total = 0; // reset counter
        //read and averaging 50 values from A0
        for (int x = 0; x < numReadings; x++) {                   // read sensor 50 times
        total = total + (analogRead(curr_panel) + offset3);      // if use with voltage divider
        int ADCsolarcurrent = total / numReadings;                  // get solar current average value
        ADCsupplyvoltage = analogRead(Vcc);                         //get Vcc value from voltage divider
        V_cc = ADCsupplyvoltage*3.3/ 4096;
        V_cc1 = V_cc*(R1+R2)/R2;                          
        //ACS712 at 0A @ 2.5V,  the ESP ADC value is 2,072 at 1.67 V
        Vout5 = ADCsolarcurrent*3.3/4096;
        Vout6 = Vout5*((R5+R6)/R6);
        current_IN = (Vout6-(V_cc1/2))/0.185;             //Vcc/2 is the Vcc supply of the ACS712 NOT Vcc for the ESP32

        case 'd':   {      

        total = 0; // reset counter
        //read and averaging 50 values from A0
        for (int x = 0; x < numReadings; x++) {                   // read sensor 50 times
        total = total + (analogRead(curr_load) + offset4);        // if use with voltage divider
        int ADCloadcurrent = total / numReadings;                 // get solar current average value       
        ADCsupplyvoltage = analogRead(Vcc);                       //get Vcc value from voltage divider
        V_cc = ADCsupplyvoltage*3.3/ 4096;
        V_cc1 = V_cc*(R1+R2)/R2;                     
        Vout7 = ADCloadcurrent*3.3/4096;
        Vout8 = Vout7*((R5+R6)/R6);
        current_LOAD = (Vout8-(V_cc1/2))/0.185;
      Serial.println("Client Disconnected.");

Connection looks alright except the Button!

Are you using 38-pin or 30-pin ESP32 Dev Board?

For analog use, you do not want pullup resistors anyway. The ESP32 pins without pullup resistors are input only. The analog reading you get on an open circuit pin (no pullup resistor) is irrelevant. If, however, you connect a button to one of these then you have to add your own external resistor or it will float in the non-pressed state. See also: ESP32 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Nerd Tutorials

You do not appear to be using analogRead() correctly here since the parameter does not appear to be a pin number.


Can you provide that link? I see no reason why an ADC input should need a pull-up resisitor.
Are you getting mixed up with GPIO numbers and pin numbers?