Esp32 flashing not possible

Hey guys, i just tried to flash my esp32-wroom-32D.

the red controll led is static on as usual. when i try to upload my scetch, it wont let me connect with pressing the boot button tho. it just runns into an error.

Serial Monitor:
"Sketch uses 276809 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes.
Global variables use 21820 bytes (6%) of dynamic memory, leaving 305860 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes. v4.5.1
Serial port COM5

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
For troubleshooting steps visit: Troubleshooting - ESP32 - — latest documentation"

Thanks for ur help guys!!

link to the esp:!EUR!8.35!0.91!!!63.72!6.99!%40211b8f9817276247433202453e8ab1!12000037109059510!sea!AT!0!ABX&curPageLogUid=tzVXf4hPOixg&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&_gl=1*i3sv43*_gcl_au*MTczNTQ2MjgyMy4xNzI3NjI0NzA5*_ga*MjEwOTYyNDIzLjE3Mjc2MjQ3MDg.*_ga_VED1YSGNC7*MTcyNzYyNDcwNy4xLjEuMTcyNzYyNDc0NS4yMy4wLjA

Press the boot button before it says connecting. Try it several times after quitting ALL open IDE windows including monitors. I assume you have the correct driver loaded.

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did not work. i closed all monitors and pressed the boot button before connecting (already while beeing in the 3/4 of scetch compiling. can i somehow get more informations for u guys whats happening on the chip.

Driver shouldn't be the issue because i have a identical esp here and it works just fine.

could it be that the flash loader got corrupted somehow? Maybe i need to re install the firmware on the esp? i have no clue at all how to do that tho haha

The board could be bad, I don't know anything about firmware, in the several years playing with these boards and I have multiples of a dozen different boards I have never had to mess with the firmware. I have had to try an upload as many as 6 or 10 times before it finally worked, I consider that normal for these toys.

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Press and hold EN/reset switch.
Press and hold Boot switch.
Release the EN/reset switch.
Release the Boot switch.

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Is that supposed to be the normal way? I thought only BOOT was needed.

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Pressing the EN button worked for me.

  • At Reset Time, the boot switch is examined to see if it is LOW.

  • If Boot is LOW, when you let go of the EN/reset switch, the ESP enters flashing.

  • However, these DEV kits are supposed to have a circuit to do all this by themselves. :woozy_face:

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new to me, that it should take several tries to upload. this is the first esp where it is not uploading correctly

tried. did not work :confused:

sure yeah, thats also what I thought

i am trying this now: ESP32: Erase Flash Memory (Factory Reset) | Random Nerd Tutorials

I have some esp32 boards that either do not have a boot sw or if they do it isn't needed to do an upload. I was told it is due to a diferent uart/usb chip.

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I have had it happen many times.

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  • I set my IDE Board to DOIT DEVKIT V1
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same board as i use :slight_smile:

i tried the things with pyton. i installed everything and it seems like the commands are working. but it still cant connect to the esp somehow.

C:\Users\Max>python -m esptool --chip esp32 erase_flash v4.8.1
Found 2 serial ports
Serial port COM5
COM5 failed to connect: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
For troubleshooting steps visit: Troubleshooting - ESP32 - — latest documentation
Serial port COM1
COM1 failed to connect: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
For troubleshooting steps visit: Troubleshooting - ESP32 - — latest documentation

A fatal error occurred: Could not connect to an Espressif device on any of the 2 available serial ports.

  • Confirm you are using the correct serial port for the ESP ?
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yessir. its com 5

  • Two other things:
    Have you ever upload correctly to this board before ?
    Have you tried a different USB cable ?
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Is the right (2 that I know of) UART driver installed?

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