Dear community,
I need to read the actual time/Date from an iPhone via BLE.
This is a kind of retrofit clock for an oldtimer car (BMW E30). The origial Clock is not useable anymore as we did a significant change in the entire car structure (including the change to an V8, 4ltr engine).
The idea is to have a new BC/Clock module but based on an ESP32 and a 2" display. Also including the reading/writing to the K and I Bus.
And I try to make it for an universal solution.
THe question is: How to get the correct time. I thought about
a) the start at home with WiFi and a battery buffered RTC module - Disadvantages: WHen the Lithium Batteris empty, there is a need to remove the complete BC unit, which is cumbersome and when this happend abroad, than there is not chance to set the time again; this is only a solution which works for a single user, as there is too much hardcoded parameters.
b) the connection via iOS hotspot and setting via internet time. Disadvatages: see above.
c) a standard BLE connection to an iPhone. THis could be done by any user, this is in my opinon a universal solution.
My question: How to read the time/date from an iPhone after the BLE connection is established.
Many thanks for your thoughts and hints.