ESP8266 and RF Receiver/Sender Problem

Hi Arduino Pro's!

I am pretty new on Arduino. I did some Minor Projects using LED and Buzzer and WIFI - everything worked really fine.

Now I want to replace a RF remote Control using my ESP8266. Therefore I bought a RF Sender and a receiver Module.

AS a first step I want to read Out the codes the remote is sending using the Receiver. I found a Webpage where someone is doing exactly the same with his ESP8266.
I tried but I don't receive anything...

I add my code and Setup. Could you please take a Look? I tried both 3V and 5V Connection because the Guy of Webpage uses 3V but my receiver seems to need 5V.

ESP8266 Receiver Code For 315MHz And 433MHz
ESP Receiver
3.3V = VCC
D3 = Data

#include <RCSwitch.h>
RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();
void setup() {
mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Connect To GPIO0 (D3) On The ESP

void loop() {
int value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue();
if (mySwitch.available()) {
Serial.print(" The Device Code Is: ");
// output(mySwitch.getReceivedValue(), mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength(), mySwitch.getReceivedDelay(), mySwitch.getReceivedRawdata(),mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol());

Are you talking about IR or RF receiver? Please fix the title or body of your post accordingly.

The ESP already has a RF transmitter with which additional RF modules may interfere.

Can't find anything about RF on my ESP8266

Wi-Fi/WLAN is RF.