ESP8266 + PIR on interrupt + WS2811 = fail by detection loop


I'm trying to create a simple project with an ESP8266 (dev board for now), a PIR and a 48x WS2811 leds strip (neopixel like).
I'm using to program the ESP in arduino language.

When I use 5 leds of the strip, everything works as expected : the leds turn on when a movement is detected by the pir, then after 10 seconds, it goes off.

The problem is with approx. 10+ leds : the leds turn on on detection and after 10 seconds, a movement is falsy detected and the leds blink quikly then stay on. After 10 seconds, it happens again. And so on...
So finally, the leds never goes off.

The source code (attached) seems correct and the electronic schema (also attached) seems ok as well.
I don't know anymore where to search.

I already spent a lot of time trying to solve this, but withoiut success yet.

Does anyone has an idea, please ?

main.cpp (1.23 KB)

Do you suspect you may have a power supply problem?


Hello Paul, and thanks for your answser.

Hardly... It's a laboratory power supply. (Not top quality, but still..)