I am trying to use ESP8266 to send data and receive data from a webserver.
I am only using ESP8266 so there is no UNOs.
so I am facing this problem that every tutorial uses an UNO to send AT commands to ESP to set it up. but as far as I want to use only ESP so I want to know if there is a way to connect to a server using ESP with Arduino.
something like a alternative way to do this not using AT command:
Yes, you can upload an Arduino sketch to an esp8266 using a usb to serial adapter. Install the esp8266 boards package in your IDE. Take a look at the example sketches that are installed with the board package.
Welcome to the forum
Exactly which ESP8266 module do you have ?
zero series
I know how to do that i am trying to find a code to do connecting to webserver, so far i couldn't only found in what i have posted above which requires a UNO too.
Did you look at the example sketches that get installed with the esp8266 boards package as I suggested? I think one is called "web client" or similar.
Which module do you have?
You can program the ESP8266 directly with the Arduino IDE.
To do that you need to have the ESP8266 board manager installed. In preferences add the 8266 board manager link...
The link is http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json Links are separated by commas ( , ) if there is more than one.
Once you do that restart the IDE, and then you should see the 8266 boards in the board manager.
If you get this far let me know...
yes I have got this far
Can you post a link to this board.
sorry my bad It is one series
If you mean what it is said in this link :
I should say I meant I want use no Arduino board, only and only ESP.
and it also used AT commands
Ok to program this device you will need a USB to TTL converter as there is no on board chip to do this... like this...
If you have one, then try this tutorial for programming the ESP-01 directly.
I have came this far, I even programed it and run it on local so I could connect to it's ip and view a web page and send and receive data. what I am doing now is I have web server so now I want to communicate with web server.
Where are you trying to communicate from?
ESP8266 -1 to myesp.freehost.io
It is hosted on my country. It doesnt matter where is it.
So you want to connect to a web server from the ESP8266?
Have you tried the ESP8266 examples?
No, I did not mean that. I understand what you want to do. You say you have installed the esp8266 boards package? You should see many new sketches in the examples menu of the IDE. One is called something like "web client".
You probably used the example sketch called something like "web server". What you need is for the ESP to be a client, not a server.
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