I am searching the whole day for a solution to create a Remote Control with an ESP8266 to switch on devices like lights trough Amazon Alexa. I don't want to remote everything with the voice assistant. I found out that the Echo Button is supporting the feature to start routines over alexa after a click, so I thought that there could also be an emulation software for the ESP8266 to emulate an Echo Button to trigger a routine in Alexa.
There are also some Wall Light Switches on the market, that can trigger an alexa action and I found this one GitHub - witnessmenow/esp8266-alexa-wemo-emulator: multiple belkin wemos switch emulator using ESP8266. But I think that it's only for switching on an ESP8266 Pin output through the voice assistant.
You can find so many tutorials to trigger an ESP with the voice assistant but not the other way arround