ESP8266: retrive others mac-adress/hostname

I would like to scan my network with an ESP8266/NodeMcu for other devices.
I use this library
author=Daniele Colanardi

to ping my net from x.x.x.0 to x.x.x.255 to retrive all IP adresses.

Now I would like to retrive additional information from the existing devices
Hostinfo/Hostname/NETBIOS info if available for easier identication of the devices

More or less, i would like to get information like in a network-scaner (e.g. AngryIp)

Any working code parts or links to other projects are appreciated.

P.S.: I don't consider this as crosspost as the German community wasn't able to give me help

try this

from the description that sketch scans for other wifi AP and retrives MAC and description from others AP.
... but my ESP should be connected to MY wifi and scan MY network ...

"... but my ESP should be connected to MY wifi and scan MY network ..."

If is YOUR network, maybe you could just go into YOUR network router and get some information.

that's not an option as there is no API and I don't want to parse a html output which might change with the next firmware-update again.

"that's not an option as there is no API and I don't want to parse a html output which might change with the next firmware-update again."

Bummer. I think my wireless router by default blocks the "sniffing" of other connected devices by individual connected devices. If it is your network, just change that setting on your network access point. Your request just sounds way sketchy, kind of like you want to connect to an open wifi network and sniff the other connected devices.

It took some time but I found at least one working option:
mDNS SD (multicast Domain Name Service - Service Discovery)

Some network devices report the service they offer and so you can find out the name of the device.
For example, if you have enabled OTA upload on the ESP, a service "arduino" will be added to the services by the library. Additionally you can register a port/service on your device and other devices are able to "discover" that registered service.

So at least I can now scan and display information of each device on my network

I have published an example sketch here:

I do similar
Bulbs.html shows all mdns devices webservers bulb.html

Only now a problem on ws2812 led strip effects
Mdns Scan delays the led effect