ethernet shield and an external webserver

hi everyone,

i'm busy to make a timer for my tv, after a few amount of time the arduino intterups the hdmi cable. I Want also shut down the tv with my smartphone (from a webpage i created). This site is externaly hosted by a hosting company. witch i also running a database (to count up the hours they watched, a login-database for multiple users and so on). I've bought an arduino and an ethernet shield, is it possible to send a command to the arduino tho set a pin high or low from the external website? I found a lot of code examples to connect to an external website (but they dont tell how i control the outputs with a php script). i've found also an example to host your site from the arduino but this is not wat i want. Can someone give me a code example, or a link to a site that does explain this? Thanks in Advance

the example you gave i something different, this webpage is hosted from the arduino, not from an external server. That's not what i want

the example you gave i something different, this webpage is hosted from the arduino, not from an external server. That's not what i want

Then Google for what you want.