Ethernet Shield + RF 433 Mhz receiver

Hi there!
I'm working on weather station - indoor temperature, outdoor temperature and humidity (received from external RF 433 MHz sensor) and then send all data to ThingSpeak or Xively (Cosm/Pachube).
I'm facing some freezes with Arduino Ethernet Shield and RF 433 Mhz receiver connected on the same Arduino. Everything works well and than suddenly (after 10 mins to few hours) it stop sending data to ThingSpeak :confused: I have to restart Arduino to start working again.
I use this receiver connected to digital pin 2:

I suppose there is some interrupt conflict. I read here ( that Ethernet Shield uses int.0 and int.1 on the pin 2 and 3. I'm using RemoteSensor - Sensor Receiver from this library fuzzillogic / 433mhzforarduino / wiki / Home — Bitbucket and there is also interrupt/communication on pin 3. Unfortunately I'm not able to change the communication pin of RF receiver in the code.
Can anyone please help me find where can I change RF receiver comm pin? Or change Ethernet Shield's comm pins?


Hi, I use the demo ThingSpeak script to log Dallas 1 wire temperatures every 15 seconds. Almost daily, ThingSpeak stops recieving data. Perhaps I have the same issue?

Hi turgo!
I was testing my Arduino with Ethernet Shield and DS18B20 sensor only with no problems (tested about 2 days - no freezes). All data were logged to ThingSpeak.
I realized some very short ThingSpeak's downs but Arduino logs again right after it was up. What library do you use? I use this one -

My problem is combination of Ethernet Shield and 433 MHz RF receiver.

I don't think D3 is used by the ethernet shield/library. Have you tried bending D3 pin on the ethernet shield so it does not insert into D3 on the Arduino, then connect the receiver to D3 on the Arduino?

Can you provide a link to the 433Mhz receiver? Preferably one with a datasheet.

A mistake in my original post - receiver is not connected to D3 but D2 (I corrected it in my post).

The 433Mhz receiver works great if Ethernet Shield is not present. I can see received temp and humidity values in serial monitor.

I saw this table ( so I thought Ethernet Shield uses D2 and D3:

Board	      int.0	int.1	int.2	int.3	int.4	int.5
Uno, Ethernet	2	3
Mega2560	2	3	21	20	19	18
Leonardo	3	2	0	1	7

I figured out how to change the pin used by ThermoHydroReceiver example:

void setup() {

  // Init the receiver on interrupt pin 0 (digital pin 2).
  // Set the callback to function "showTempHumi", which is called
  // whenever valid sensor data has been received.
  SensorReceiver::init(0, showTempHumi);

SensorReceiver::init(0, showTempHumi); <- Here change 0 to something else by the table above (depending on your Arduino)

I used the modification on Mega, but no luck. It seems Arduino stop working when RF signal is received while ethernet communication is in progress (sending data to ThingSpeak) = two interrupts in the same time?!

Hi everyone !
I'm joining this interesting topic. I want to use my Arduino to open my garage door remotely, with a webserver. I'm facing some problems with decoding the code my remote control, which works at 433 MHz. Which code for Arduino do you suggest me to read the value/code send from my actual remote control ?

How old is the garage door?
Most garage door openers use rolling code receivers for security.
You will find it very difficult to simulate with a Arduino.
You can do it by using the Arduino to simulate the button pressing of the garage door remote
but this requires the disassembly of the remote.

How old is the garage door?
Most garage door openers use rolling code receivers for security.
You will find it very difficult to simulate with a Arduino.
You can do it by using the Arduino to simulate the button pressing of the garage door remote
but this requires the disassembly of the remote.

thank you for your reply. I think the I'm not using a rolling code, but just a fixed code. The board of my garage door is this one:Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

The board of the remote control is: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

hi i have a project regarding with temp sensor and humidity... i have DHT11 with its code connected with arduino. and its working properly.. my problem is i have to transmit the measured data using a UHF transceiver to my pc.. what do i need and what to do ?

what do i need and what to do ?

You need to stop hijacking unrelated threads. You need to write some code.