Ethernet Shield + RFID-RC522 SPI

Hello everyone,

I am trying to connect an ethernet shield and a RFID module to Arduino Uno.

Related to the Ethernet Shield, I have just placed it on the Arduino Uno. I believe it uses the SPI MISO, MOSI and SCK of the Arduino Uno, and it uses pin 10 as SS.

Related to the RFID Module, I have connected it to the SPI MOSI, MISO and SCK pins of the Arduino Uno. I have used pin 8 as SS and pin 9 as RST.

However, if I uses each one of them separatedly, it works. But when connecting both of them at the same time, one of them is not recognized.

What should I do? I connect the SPI wires of the RFID to the pins 11, 12 and 13 of the Ethernet Shield.

what Ethernet shield are you using?
when you say you have tested separetly were both devices attached to the Arduino and you only enabled one of them at a time?
when you attempt to test both at the same time which one works?

When I just connect the Ethernet Shield, it works perfectly. When I connect directly the RFID to the Arduino, without using the Ethernet Shield, it also works perfectly.

However, if I use the Ethernet Shield and, I connect the RFID to it, only the RFID works and not the Ethernet Shield.

what ethernet shield are you using? if possible check the schematic and see if the pins the RFID is using could be interfearing with the Ethernet shield
try different pins for the RFID?

is it this problem?

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