Ethernet shield SD card slot not working!

I cannot seem to use the micro sd card slot on my Ethernet shield, I've tried all the posted solutions but its still stuck on initialization failed, someone help and yes I've tried the pin 10 as output and set to high but still I got the same error. Someone kindly help.

Provide details….


The code from the serial monitor stops at initialization failed

It's there within the ReadWrite example

How is the forum supposed to guess;

Which example you mean by 'the ReadWrite example' ?

Which Arduino you are using ?

Which Ethernet shield you are using ?

The example I mean is inside the SD library or the SD fat library, just check within the ones available, you will see one for the "ReadWrite" function just as I have stated
As for the shield I'm using a HanRun with a w5100 chip I am linking the images shortly, I'm also using an arduino Mega 2560

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