Exact time programming

Good afternoon,

I need to program Arduino to switch on a device at a certain time.

Do I need any hardware for this task ?
Which library I can use ?

Thanks in advance.

You would be best using a real time clock module
Lots to choose from, here is just one you could use.

You would be best using a real time clock module
Lots to choose from, here is just one you could use.
DS1307 Real Time Clock breakout board kit : ID 264 : $7.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

Why do you post a link to a discontinued, inaccurate and overpriced module?

I use something like DS3231 AT24C32 IIC Module Precision Clock Module for $0.90 free shipping.

Depends on wheter you need to switch something on for a period and then off for a period and over again. That can be done with millis() quite easy. If you need something to switch on exactely at 7am and of again at 4pm or whatever, a RTC is probably the best sollution.