Example of Max7219 Matrix LED 8x8 - UNO - Messages Controlled by Inputs

Just started exploring using Matrix LEDs and found this good tutorial example on Instructables.

*** Additional notes on SPECIFYING HARDWARE ***

My first attempts library examples were not displaying correctly due to the need to specify the correct display. Original solution was to modify the ".h" file but this has been overcome with a later revision of the libraries used as follows:

Referring to comments in excellent YouTube Arduino Tutorial #21 - MAX7219 LED Matrix Display Walkthrough & Test Code - Scrolling Text Code - YouTube

Version 3.0( of the MD_MAX72xx lib) has hardware select in the Arduino Sketch so you don't need to edit the header file any more.

For example, Open Parola_Scrolling --> look for line of code(line 43 or so)
#define Hardware_type MC_Max72xx::Parola_HW
change Parola_HW to FC16_HW.( cheap aliexpress version 1088AS)
or change to whatever hardware version you have.

In my original attempts I found following did not display correctly

but after specifying correct hardware as follows all is now OK


found this good tutorial example on Instructables.

Is that not an oxymoron?

Perhaps a 'Grumpy moron' would not understand that in this case 'Ínstructables' is being used as a Proper Noun not an Adjective.... lol... nice to see you respond so quickly :wink:

My comment was regarding the word as a proper noun. That site is full of crap.