Failed to Install SAMD core

I'm trying to install Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) core using IDE 2.1.0, for a Nano IoT 33 Board.

I'm getting the error:

"Error: 13 INTERNAL: Cannot install tool arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4: testing local archive integrity: testing archive size: fetched archive size differs from size specified in index: 5472 != 131761924"

I've seen on other posts that this may be due to firewall settings, but even after disabling Windows firewall, the installation still fails. Does anyone know which firewall settings to change?

Or another method to install this core? Thank you.

Hi @ryanvoltaic. What happens when you click this link?:

The expected result is that a 126 MB file should be downloaded.

Download with your link failed here. I manually added the s for https and it worked.

Same as the reply above, the http link didn't work, added the 's' and the 126 MB zip file downloaded.

I've moved your topic to the dedicated IDE2.0 category on the forum.

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Same as the reply above, the http link didn't work, added the 's' and the 126 MB zip file downloaded. Do you have any suggestions based on this?

Hi ptillisch, do you have any suggestions?

The http link seemingly didn't do anything, but when changed to https, the 126 MB zip file downloaded.

For future viewers,

I solved it by uploading that ZIP file:


into the folder (C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Arduino15/staging/packages)

I then closed and reopened the IDE, and tried to install the core and it worked.

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