Hi all, I'm currently working on a project now. However, during uploading, it prompts me error, I do not know which part went wrong, can I seek help from the experts? Much appreciated!
I attached my files and diagram as below:
It's a waste of time and energy spending energy to help You just get Your question in order. Please update Your post according to the topic in the link.
Helping You with the project, the technical aspekt is what helpers are here fore.
I just download the older version (v2.5 in this case) using the IDE board manager. Once that is used, the latest version can download a few times before the problem shows up again, so I keep the old version in a portable installation of the IDE.
the program compiles on my Arduino IDE OK
the board is specified as Tools>Board "Generic ESP8266 Module"
I changed the SSID etc and the program loads and runs - serial monitor displays
WiFi connected
IP address:
Connecting to Adafruit IO... Connection failed
Retrying connection...
Connection failed
Retrying connection...
Connection failed