Finished my first project with Yun! A web connected Morse code machine!

Hello everybody!

I finished my first (woo!) Arduino Yun project (one of my first Arduino/electronics projects actually) and I'm super excited about it. I made a web connected Morse code machine that basically sends/receives messages.

I wrote an entire web application and API to drive the service (still very much in early beta :)), so it was a pretty long project.

I'm planning on writing a blog post about it somewhere, and possibly even writing a small series of tutorials on how I did the entire project in case anybody might be interested.

Anyway, here is a video that shows what I made (let me know if you have questions or feedback, I'd love to hear it! :))

Amazing! :slight_smile: 8)

Wow really amazing. Grats

Thanks guys, really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Very well done,
this should be in an exposition in a museum or so (or in a haunted train station - once upon a time in the west alike)