FIXED: issue with ArduinoISP when writing to target-EEPROM

Hi everyone,

I am currently having some trouble with writing data to a board using arduino as ISP and AVRdude. When writing data as FLASH i have no issues. But when writing data to the EEPROM, it gets send to the ArduinoISP instead!

Really weird... So i was wondering if someone on the arduino-universe has ever encountered it and know of a way to fix it.

The AVRdude code i'm using: avrdude -v -c arduino -v -C bin\arduino.conf -p atmega328p -P COM5 -U eeprom:w:eeprom_%1.hex:i -F

Where the %1 is an input to select the correct EEPROM-dump with a maximum size of 2kB.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Forgot to say i'm using arduinoIDE 1.0.5-r2's ArduinoISP!

avrdude -v -c arduino -v -C bin\arduino.conf -p atmega328p -P COM5 -U eeprom:w:eeprom_%1.hex:i -F

For talking to ArduinoISP, your avrdude command shoud look like:

avrdude -v -c stk500v1 -v -C bin\arduino.conf -p atmega328p -P COM5  -b19200-U eeprom:w:eeprom_%1.hex:i -F


avrdude -v -c arduino -v -C bin\arduino.conf -p atmega328p -P COM5 -U eeprom:w:eeprom_%1.hex:i -F

For talking to ArduinoISP, your avrdude command shoud look like:

avrdude -v -c stk500v1 -v -C bin\arduino.conf -p atmega328p -P COM5  -b19200-U eeprom:w:eeprom_%1.hex:i -F

Amazing how someone can overlook a simple line. In the past i didn't have this problem but apparently when writing to the EEPROM it matters...

Thnx! it's fixed!!

I suspect the problem would have been easier to diagnose if you had not included the otherwise useless -F.