Flashing nand

Hi everyone.
I'm here hoping to get some insight from you experts.
I recently killed one of my IP camera by flashing the wrong file to the bootloader nand.
The recommendation to fix this is desoldering the nand and reflash it with a SPI programmer (CH341).

Now my question is, could I setup an Arduino Uno to be my programmer, and use that to flash the right file to the NAND?
That way I wouldn't have to wait 2 months for a SPI programmer to arrive from China

Is it a 5V flash chip? If it is you can use the UNO to flash your chip otherwise you might need a level converter to correct the signal voltages.

Is it a 5V flash chip? If it is you can use the UNO to flash your chip otherwise you might need a level converter to correct the signal voltages.

I'm not sure about the voltage by I would guess it's 5V. I have both step up and down converters otherwise.
I'm more unsure of how to program the Uno to actually act like a programmer and do what I want :slight_smile:

How about post a link to that chips datasheet? If you don't know what chip it is, search for that information first.