If I divide by 1024, I am getting a bogus result (ie -50.00 C) but if I divide by 1024.0 then I am getting around 25 which is about the right temperature.
Why does 1024 vs 1024.0 make any difference?
Also, if you have any suggestions re the general structure of the code, I'd be glad to hear them as I learnt how to code by myself.
Making multiple reading reduces the noise as too high readings and too low cancel each other out (most of the time) which increases the precision.
If you do averaging it is good practice to use a power of 2 as the compiler can optimize the division afterwards, typically 4,8,16 or 32. If you want to take more than 32 readings e.g. 64 or 128 or even 256 to average you should use a long iso int as it otherwise would not fit.
Another way to average is to take a running average:
float val;
float alpha = 0.10; // valye to play with
void setup()
void loop()
val = alpha * analogRead(A0) + (1-alpha) * val; // new value counts for 10% old value for 90%
Another thing you can do to get a better result is to take multiple reading and don't average them but adjust the formula.
The difference is shown in the sketch below.
float val;
float alpha = 0.10; // valye to play with
void setup()
void loop()
long sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) sum += analogRead(A0); // make 100 readings so sum = [0..102300]
float volt1 = 5.0 * sum / 102300;
// compare to this
sum = sum/100;
float volt2 = 5.0 * sum / 1023;
Serial.print(volt1, 3);
Serial.println(volt2, 3);