Font for printing source is HUGE!

For the first time I need to print my source file and I was astonished when it printed at about 70 point (possible exaggeration but it was very large). A 364 line program took 25 pages to print, or about 15 lines per page. I found a workaround but it is a major pain in the neck. Edit>Decrease Font Size changes the display font and that is reflected in the print font size. But to get a listing that is reasonable I had to decrease the display font size so many times that it was almost not readable, at least with my eyesight. Then of course I had to increase it again after printing by doing Edit>Increase Font Size as many times as I did to decrease it. So am I missing something or is the only way to get a decent source listing?

You can open the .ino file in a text editor and print from there.

Your OS is the most likely suspect.

Definitely better than what I was doing. Thanks.