Here is the entire code. Based on your responses, I wonder if I might be getting confused with other programming languages and syntax, but I would imagine you would be a better judge of that.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo P_L;
Servo P_R;
//define Servos
int Direction = 12; //Use DPDT non-latching relay
int Track = 11;
int S1 = 6;
int S2 = 7;
int S3 = 8;
int S4 = 13;
//Assign outputs to their pins
int Sen_L = 0;
int Sen_R = 1;
int Sen1 = 2;
int Sen2 = 3;
int Sen3 = 4;
int Sen4 = 5;
//Assign digital sensors to their pins
//Use reed switches
const unsigned int maxSpeed = 150; //Maximum speed of train
const unsigned int wait = 3000; //Duration braking/acceleration
unsigned int numRepeat = 0;
int num;
//Define variables
unsigned int pLeft = 0;
unsigned int pRight = 0;
//Point servo angle values
const unsigned int stationStopMin = 4000;
const unsigned int stationStopMax = 6000;
const unsigned int sidingStop = 5000;
//Delay constants
//Delays in milliseconds
void setup() {
pinMode(Direction, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Track, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S4, OUTPUT);
//Define as outputs
pinMode(Sen_L, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Sen_R, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Sen1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Sen2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Sen3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Sen4, INPUT_PULLUP);
//Define as inputs with pull-up resistors enabled
//Attach servo control wires to their pins
int Dec(const unsigned int Max, const unsigned int dly);
int Acc(const unsigned int Max, const unsigned int dly);
void SidingSet(const unsigned int pLeft, const unsigned int pRight);
int RepeatInc(unsigned int Repeats);
unsigned int change_pRight(unsigned int pRight);
int change_pLeft(unsigned int pLeft);
void fullSiding_R(const unsigned int pRight);
void fullSiding_L(const unsigned int pLeft);
void debug(void);
//Define functions
void loop() {
if(numRepeat == 0) {
//Set servos to default positions
SidingSet(pLeft, pRight); //Set sidings
//Perform only at first loop instance
digitalWrite(Direction, LOW); //Set direction of travel (Left-Right)
analogWrite(Track, maxSpeed); //Write PWM to track of duty cycle maxSpeed
while(digitalRead(Sen_L) == 1) {
} //Wait until Sen_L is triggered
Dec(maxSpeed, wait); //Decelerate train to stop
delay(random(stationStopMin, stationStopMax)); //Wait between 'x' to 'y' seconds at station
Acc(maxSpeed, wait); //Accelerate train
fullSiding_R(pRight); //Wait for train to enter siding
analogWrite(Track, 0); //Turn off track (stop train)
delay(sidingStop); //Wait for 'x' seconds before sending out next train
digitalWrite(Direction, HIGH); //Reverse direction of travel (Right-Left)
analogWrite(Track, maxSpeed); //Write PWM to track of duty cycle maxSpeed
while(digitalRead(Sen_R) == 1) {
} //Wait for Sen_R to trigger
Dec(maxSpeed, wait); //Decelerate train to stop
delay(random(stationStopMin, stationStopMax)); //Wait between 'x' to 'y' seconds at station
Acc(maxSpeed, wait); //Accelerate train
fullSiding_L(pLeft); //Wait for train to enter siding
analogWrite(Track, 0); //Turn off track (stop train)
delay(sidingStop); //Wait for 'x' seconds before sending out next train
int Dec(const unsigned int Max, const unsigned int dly) {
for(int i = Max; i >= 0; i--) {
analogWrite(Track, i); //Set Track PWM to i duty cycle
delay((float) dly/Max); //Wait for dly milliseconds (dly/max seconds per loop
//loop until i < 0. Decrement i on each loop
int Acc(const unsigned int Max, const unsigned int dly) {
for(int i = 0; i <= Max; i++) {
analogWrite(Track, i); //Set Track PWM to i duty cycle
delay((float) dly/Max); //Wait for dly seconds (dly/max seconds per loop
//loop until i < 0. Increment i on each loop
void SidingSet(const unsigned int pLeft, const unsigned int pRight) {
if(pLeft == 0) {
digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); //Make S2 active
digitalWrite(S1, LOW); //Make S1 inactive
else {
digitalWrite(S2, LOW); //Make S2 inactive
digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); //Make S1 active
if(pRight == 0) {
digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); //Make S3 active
digitalWrite(S4, LOW); //Make S4 inactive
digitalWrite(S3, LOW); //Make S3 inactive
digitalWrite(S4, HIGH); //Make S4 active
int RepeatInc(unsigned int Repeats) {
if(Repeats == 0) {
//Increment Repeats to 1 if it equals 0
unsigned int change_pRight(unsigned int pRight) {
int k;
int a;
//Define local variables
num = random(0,2); //Generate a random number of 0 or 1
if(num == 0) {
k = pRight;
pRight = 90;
a = 1;
else if(num == 1) {
k = pRight;
pRight = 0;
a = -1;
for(;k <= pRight; k = k+a) {
delay(10); //Wait 10 milliseconds on each loop
//Change point by looping until k < pRight
return pRight;
int change_pLeft(unsigned int pLeft) {
int k;
int a;
//Define local variables
num = random(0,2); //Generate random number of 0 or 1
if(num == 0) {
k = pLeft;
pLeft = 90;
a = 1;
else if(num == 1) {
k = pLeft;
pLeft = 0;
a = -1;
for(;k <= pLeft; k = k+a) {
delay(10); //Wait 10 milliseconds on each loop
//Change point by looping until k < pRight
return pLeft;
void fullSiding_R(const unsigned int pRight) {
if(pRight == 0) {
while(digitalRead(Sen3) == 1) {
else {
while(digitalRead(Sen4) == 1) {
//Wait for train to enter active siding
void fullSiding_L(const unsigned int pLeft) {
if(pLeft == 0) {
while(digitalRead(Sen2) == 1) {
else {
while(digitalRead(Sen1) == 1) {
//Wait for train to enter active siding
void debug() {
All the code works as I want it to. The only issues are the aforementioned ones with change_pRight and change_pLeft.