G force meter?

Does anyone have a program for measuring G force with a dual axis accelerometer (mesmic). For now it can just print the G froce data in the serial port. Thanks if you help me in getting this program.

What kind of accelerometer do you have? How is it interfaced with the Arduino?

i have a arduino duemilanove and an adxl320 accelerometer with the breakout board.how do i use these to display g forces? i am a novice,it would be great if any of you could help me out with this.
Thank you

Well karthik .. from your name it seems we are compatriots.

If you are using this breakout board:

You see that there are three output pins X, Y and Z. You can connect those to three of the arduino's analog input pins. Connect the VDD and GND to +5V and GND on the Arduino respectively.

You can then use the analogRead function to read in the values from the respective pins for X, Y and Z.

According to the datasheet, which I just skimmed thru, at 5V input voltage, the sensitivity is 312 mV/g.

The value you get from analogRead would be a value between 0 and 1024 ( 0 -> 0 volt, 1024 -> 5V ).

So the g value would be like

g_x = (5.0x1000.0)/(312.0*1024);

where x is the value you got from analogRead . Similarly you can get the G values for y and z axes. I hope I got my math right..!

Also chk this page

I have the same problem. Does the above equation work.?
I have an ADXL193 which is a single axis board with a range of 250g. I am desperately looking for the code for calculating Gforce. Please help.

Does the above equation work.?

Not for your accelerometer with those values, no, it doesn't work, but it's a simple matter to plug in the correct values.