'getDecimal' was not declared in this scope

I have some problems with code.

#include <Wire.h>
#include "DFRobot_BNO055.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1); //RX, TX

DFRobot_BNO055 mpu;
//char Byte;

//String charangle[50];
//String ang;
//String ang1;
//String ang2;

//float h = mpu.EulerAngles.x;

void setup()

float X = mpu.EulerAngles.x;
float Y = mpu.EulerAngles.y;
float Z = mpu.EulerAngles.z;

String stringVal = "";
String stringVal2 = "";
String stringVal3 = "";

stringVal+=String(int(X))+ "."+String(getDecimal(X)); //combining both whole and decimal part in string with a fullstop between them
Serial.print("stringVal: ");Serial.println(stringVal); //display string value
stringVal2+=String(int(Y))+ "."+String(getDecimal2(Y)); //combining both whole and decimal part in string with a fullstop between them
Serial.print("stringVal2: ");Serial.println(stringVal2); //display string value
stringVal3+=String(int(Z))+ "."+String(getDecimal3(Z)); //combining both whole and decimal part in string with a fullstop between them
Serial.print("stringVal3: ");Serial.println(stringVal3); //display string value

char charVal[stringVal.length()+1]; //initialise character array to store the values
stringVal.toCharArray(charVal,stringVal.length()+1); //passing the value of the string to the character array
char charVal2[stringVal2.length()+1]; //initialise character array to store the values
stringVal2.toCharArray(charVal2,stringVal2.length()+1); //passing the value of the string to the character array
char charVal3[stringVal3.length()+1]; //initialise character array to store the values
stringVal3.toCharArray(charVal3,stringVal3.length()+1); //passing the value of the string to the character array

Serial.write("charVal: ");
for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal);i++)
Serial.write(charVal*); //display character array*

  • Serial.write("charVal2: "); *
  • for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal2);i++)*
    _ Serial.write(charVal2*); //display character array*_
    * Serial.write("charVal3: "); *
    * for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal3);i++)
    Serial.write(charVal3_); //display character array
    /* while (!mpu.init())
    * {
    Serial.println("ERROR! Unable to initialize the chip!");
    //mpu.setMode(mpu.eNORMAL_POWER_MODE, mpu.eFASTEST_MODE);
    _ delay(100);
    Serial.println("Read euler angles...");

    void loop() {
    * //ถ้ามีค่าส่งเข้ามา Serial.available จะมีค่ามากกว่า 1*
    * // if(Serial.available() > 0) { //เมื่อมีข้อมูลส่งมาทาง serial ให้ทำ...
    // ทำการอ่านค่า มาเก็บไว้ในตัวแปร incomingByte*
    * //while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    // Byte = Serial.read();
    mpu.readEuler(); / read euler angle /
    //Serial.write( '#' );
    /Serial.write("charVal: "); _
    for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal);i++)

    _ Serial.write(charVal*); //display character array*
    /Serial.write(" ");
    Serial.write("charVal2: "); _

    for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal2);i++)
    _ Serial.write(charVal2); //display character array*
    * Serial.write(" ");
    Serial.write("charVal3: "); _

    for(uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(charVal3);i++)
    _ Serial.write(charVal3); //display character array*
    * Serial.write( '&' );
    Serial.write( '\n' );*_

_ /Serial.write( '#' );
Serial.write( flt.xBytes, sizeof( float ) );
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.write( flt.yBytes, sizeof( float ) );
Serial.write(" ");
Serial.write( flt.zBytes, sizeof( float ) );
Serial.write( '&' );
Serial.write( '\n' );/_

_ ///Serial.print ("term> ");
//Serial.print (i);
//Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print ('#');
//Serial.print("yaw: ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
//Serial.print("roll: ");
Serial.println(" ");/

/Serial.write ('#');
ptr = (long )(&ypr[2]);
ptr = (long )(&ypr[1]);
ptr = (long )(&ypr[0]);

/Serial.write ('#');
//Serial.print("yaw: ");



Serial.write(" ");




Serial.write(" ");

* //Serial.print("roll: ");
Serial.write(" ");
delay (3000);

long getDecimal(float val)
long getDecimal2(float val2)
long getDecimal3(float val3)
* int intPart = int(val);
int intPart2 = int(val2);
int intPart3 = int(val3);*_

_ long decPart = 1000*(val-intPart); //I am multiplying by 1000 assuming that the foat values will have a maximum of 3 decimal places.
* //Change to match the number of decimal places you need*
long decPart2 = 1000*(val2-intPart2);
long decPart3 = 1000*(val3-intPart3);_

* if(decPart>0)return(decPart); //return the decimal part of float number if it is available*
_ else if(decPart<0)return((-1)decPart); //if negative, multiply by -1_
_ else if(decPart=0)return(00); //return 0 if decimal part of float number is not available*
* else if(decPart2>0)return(decPart2); //return the decimal part of float number if it is available*
else if(decPart2<0)return((-1)decPart2); //if negative, multiply by -1_
_ else if(decPart2=0)return(00); //return 0 if decimal part of float number is not available*
* else if(decPart3>0)return(decPart3); //return the decimal part of float number if it is available*
else if(decPart3<0)return((-1)decPart3); //if negative, multiply by -1_
_ else if(decPart3=0)return(00); //return 0 if decimal part of float number is not available*

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SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1); //RX, TX

Pins 0 and 1 are hardware serial pins on the Uno. It makes absolutely no sense to use the inferior software serial library on hardware serial pins. Be aware that pins 0 and 1 on the Uno are used for communicating with the computer. Using these pins for any other purpose will interfere with your ability to communicate with Serial Monitor and may also cause you to no longer be able to upload to your Uno. For this reason, it's recommended to avoid using pins 0 and 1. That should be easy since mySerial is not even used anywhere in your code. You really need to take the time to understand what every line in your code does.


long getDecimal(float val)

long getDecimal2(float val2)
long getDecimal3(float val3)

This is invalid syntax. I have no clue what you're attempting to accomplish here, but it's wrong. Please take some time to learn how to use functions by writing simple test programs before attempting a more advanced program like the one you posted.