Getting Time Out Error in WALK; SNMP - Arduino Program; Library- UIPAgentuino.h

Hi Guys,

I am doing a small project. I am trying to do SET and GET status of 6 relays on arduino from MIB browser.

Code is working well when I do SET and GET from MIB browser.

I get issue when I do WALK from MIB browser.
Sometimes WALK runs correctly and give status of all the OIDs on MIB browser and sometimes it gives status of only few OIDs.

I am unable to figure out what is going wrong since I am new to arduino programming.

Code:- Please find the code attached in this post.

Could someone help me debug the code. Any help would be highly appreciable.


SNMP_Test.ino (14.9 KB)

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14 kB code; will not work :wink: