Ghostbusters Backpack LEDS Help?


I am trying to make a simple LED (8-10 LEDS) Bar graph that fills and emplties.
(Similar to this video but without the use of the POT)

It is so that I can make an LED Light show for the Ghostbusters Pack for my grand kids.

This is essentially what I am trying to build using Arduino.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for helping an old man build cool things for his GKs.

All I am really asking is if I could be pointed in the right direction so that I can learn and figure out.

I figured out the coding!

void setup() { 
 for(int pin=2; pin<14; pin++){
   pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
 int t = 20; 
 for(int i=2; i<14; i++){ 
   digitalWrite(i, HIGH); 
   digitalWrite(i+1, HIGH); 
   digitalWrite(i+2, HIGH); 
   for(int i=+14; i>1; i--){
     digitalWrite(i-1, LOW); 
     digitalWrite(i-2, LOW); 


Big thanks to; Nisal Hewagamage
and his video; Arduino Knight Rider Example with Code (Most Viewed) - YouTube

Heres my video.

Your code doesn't look right to me - you seem to be writing to pins that you haven't initialised.

Please remember to use code tags when posting code.

Your code doesn't look right to me - you seem to be writing to pins that you haven't initialised.

Please remember to use code tags when posting code.

Yes that was fixed.
Dont know what you mean by code tags?

Mouse over the </> button. It says "code". Click that and highlight/copy (CTRL-A, CTRL-C) your code from the IDE, and paste (CTRL-V) into the box.

Yes that was fixed.

What was fixed?
It may be instructive, for you, to print the values of pins you write to, in your for loops.

Mouse over the </> button. It says "code". Click that and highlight/copy (CTRL-A, CTRL-C) your code from the IDE, and paste (CTRL-V) into the box.

Thanks. Did that. All good.