I am searching for a tiny GPS antenna. It needs to be active, the ATGM336H doesn't seem to support passive antennas. And the smaller physically the better. SMT antennas would be fine too.
Be warned that 'tiny' GPS antennas are usually very poor performers.
The might be useable, when say the antenna has a very good and clear view of the sky and horizon, but otherwise the fix times can be very long, if at all.
As @srnet suggests, doing this on a wearable device is going to be challenging.
I think you'll find that most wearables don't have GPS built in - they use other location technologies, and/or rely on a linked phone (or similar) for GPS...
Good points. The board has GPS, Bluetooth BLE, Wifi, and a compass. The software determines location from one or more of these. I need the GPS antenna to be small to fit into a wrist watch size package. -Frank