GPS Module Code

I recently bought a Dexter Industries Arduino GPS Shield. The product number is 855947002163. I have looked everywhere for code to use this GPS Shield but just cant find it. Can someone send me code or a link to some projects and code for this module.


I recently bought a Dexter Industries Arduino GPS Shield. The product number is 855947002163. I have looked everywhere for code to use this GPS Shield but just cant find it. Can someone send me code or a link to some projects and code for this module.


I recently bought a Dexter Industries Arduino GPS Shield. The product number is 855947002163. I have looked everywhere for code to use this GPS Shield but just cant find it. Can someone send me code or a link to some projects and code for this module.


Did you check page How to Use the Arduino GPS Shield For the First Time For Beginners and what you can download there?

Did you understand everything?

Thanks this has helped me alot.

hey magic man. i found a library for you but i cant get arduino to take it.
if some can help him and me with it. (518 KB)

if some can help him and me with it.

Why won't "he take it"?

arduino won't take it, when you go to import library in the arduino IED it wont add in the library like it does with other libraries. when i said "can help him and me with it." i meant magic man and myself.

when you go to import library in the arduino IED

Java imports libraries. C++ includes libraries. Terminology IS important.

Something happens when you do whatever it is you are doing. WE CAN NOT SEE THAT. It is up to YOU to describe, in excruciating detail. exactly what it is you are doing. and what is happening.

The usual reasons for not being able to include a library are because you have not downloaded the library, you have not installed it correctly, or the library is not for the version of the IDE or Arduino that you are using. But, you have provided no details to help us help you.

the IDE is 1.0.6
and watch the vid for how i did it.

The dGPS header and source files belong in a folder called dGPS in the libraries folder, not 14 levels deep.

Tried then it places the #include <dGPS.h> where it is supposed to but the dGPS does not turn orange.

That dGPS library is pretty awful. It blocks the Arduino until the whole sentence comes in, and uses two copies of a 300-byte line buffer (600 bytes of RAM!). And look at this:

    char linea[300];

    char *data = "";
    memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
    data = dGPS::subStr(linea, ",", 8);

char *dGPS::subStr (char *str, char *delim, int index) {
  char *act, *sub, *ptr;
  static char copy[300];
  int i;

  // Since strtok consumes the first arg, make a copy
  strcpy(copy, str);

  for (i = 1, act = copy; i <= index; i++, act = NULL) {
    sub = strtok_r(act, delim, &ptr);
    if (sub == NULL) break;
  return sub;

o_O I think that corrupts one byte of memory after the empty string "". :stuck_out_tongue:

Really, any other library would be better, but...

I can suggest a library I wrote: NeoGPS. It is smaller and faster than other libraries, and the examples are structured to avoid blocking. As you add other features to your sketch, it becomes very important to avoid blocking and delay().

NeoGPS is available from the Arduino Library Manager in newer versions of the IDE, or you can install it manually, since you are using 1.0.6. The examples need these two #defines added to them, just before the GPSport.h include statement:

#define RX_PIN 10
#define TX_PIN 4

#include "GPSport.h" described in step 3 of the Installation instructions.

The NeoGPS examples also use the NeoSWSerial library. It is much more efficient than SoftwareSerial. See Installation step 2 and the NeoSWSerial description.


ok thanks