Greenhouse with Arduino

Good morning everyone, I've had an idea for a couple of days now: to build a greenhouse for some seedlings with lights, water, and fertilizer. All of this, of course, with Arduino. I would place an upside-down water bottle behind the greenhouse for water supply, and another one with fertilizer inside. I have two questions: how can I release small amounts of water? I was thinking of using a servo motor but I'm not sure if it's the best solution. And the other question concerns the power supply for the greenhouse. I have a 5V 2A power supply; do you think it's enough to power the Arduino, some servos, and the lamp? Thank you very much to everyone who helps me.

If you google 'arduino greenhouse' you will get lot's of ideas including an Arduino kit, and a Project Hub project.

But for the light bulb, do I need to use a specific one compatible with Arduino, or are all of them fine?

Light bulb?

What servos? Grow lamp?
It depends on specific components you choose.
For watering small solenoid valve could be option.

You can get small solenoid valves or pumps. These cannot be controlled directly by the Arduino's pins, but a small transistor circuit will work well. Your 2A 5V PSU should be enough to run a small pump or valve and the Arduino. But don't know about the "light bulb" without more details.

When shopping for valves or pumps, do not trust any vendor who gives no current or power ratings.