GSR sensor using ESP32

Hi everyone, I am using GSR sensor connected to ESP32(wifi included), while I was tryng to combile the code below. The GSR got heated and some smoke raised up .. can anyone help if there is a problem with the code .. Thanks

const int LED=13;
#define GSR 36
int sensorValue;

void setup()

void loop()
int temp;
float conductivevoltage;
conductivevoltage = sensorValue*(5.0/1023.0);

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-18 at 11.02.29 PM

This is the connection

Most likely the power was connected backwards, or to the wrong pins. The diagram does not help, so post a clear, focused, close up photo of your setup.

Did the OP get the 3V3 or the 5V GSR sensor?

Does the OP have another sensor and another MCU, most likely the OP's parts are smoked.

Post a clear image of the connected project.

An ESP8266 is NOT a ESP32.

Thanks for your reply, It is 3v3 not 5V.. It is an ESP32 I will uplod the original connection

The image shows a ESP8266 and not an ESP32. A ESP32 is not a ESP8266.

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