H-bridge can't connect motor

got trouble whith connecting dc-motor to h-bridge driver.
i connected all following this scheme:

and photo what i did:

but motor doesn't work
btw when i disconnected 9v battery from scheme, and measured it whith multimeter it showed 8.2 V but before I connected the battery it showed 9.3 V
what is the reason?
thx so far

That's normal for a 9V battery. The voltage will decrease as you use up the battery energy.
Once you reach about 7V, it'a considered almost dead.
Also, your 9V battery may not be able to supply enough current to run the motor.
4 AA is much bettor.

Your diagram looks correct but I can't see if you made a wiring error on the breadboard.
Are you sure it is a L293D an not a plain L293

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about what type of microscheme I'm not sure and how to check don't know either
but when i checked pins whith multimeter it didn't show any dialing between vcc and ground pins

If there is no voltage on pin 9 then your 9V battery is no good.
Use 4 AA batteries like you show in your diagram

i tried using laboratory power supply and charged whith 10 V but maximum current it showed was 5.3 V
don't know why?

Do you mean current (A) or voltage (V) and where did you measure this current or voltage?

Set your power supply to 6V and connect it to Pin 8 of the L293D and GND
Disconnect the motor and measure the voltage on Pin 8 it should be 6V.
If not, then you have a wiring error or the L293D is bad

I did and it really showed nearly 6 V
so it means that microcontroller is good and i mistaken whith connections?

Sounds good so far.
If you connect the motor directly to the 6V power supply, does it run?

yeah i already tried that

If everything is as you show in post#1 except for using a 6V power supply, then it should work.
Recheck your wiring.
Sometimes the breadboard connections are bad.
Try moving the L293D to a different place on the breadboard and try again
If it still does not work, then the L293D must be bad

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ok, thx man for help
i'll do as you recommended

Hope it works

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man it really worked up!!!!
I remembered that recently bought dc motor control driver and pulled up microscheme from it and inserted into the board and now it is rotating)))))))))))
thanks a ton!!!!!!!!!!

Glad you got it working!
Have a nice day

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